Calling ALL single adults to help prepare firewood for the winter at our local Girls' Campgrounds as our contribution to the "Day of Service". Meet at the chapel located at 6250 E. 1200 S. in Heber. After the service is done, we will enjoy a quick hike around the lake...
Hike & Picnic (Mid-Singles 31-50)
Come join the fun of a great hike and a shared picnic. The hike is a moderate 1.4 mile walk up to Blood Lake where we will picnic. Bring food to share! Be sure to RSVP on our Facebook page by marking "Going" on the event. Meet at 10am at...
Parley Canyon Dance & BBQ (hosted by Timpanogos Single Adults)
Join other single adults from all over for this annual Labor Day event. Come early and enjoy volleyball, cornhole, horseshoes, ladderball, frisbees and more....even sing along at the fire. This is also a potluck dinner, so plan on bringing a side dish, fruit, dessert, etc. (Hamburgers and Hotdogs will be...
HIKE and BONFIRE for ages 31-50
Mid Single (Age 31-50) Hike & Bonfire. Meet at the Nobletts Trailhead (East of Kamas) at 7:00 pm for a 2.1 mile hike up Nobletts Creek Trail.After the hike, @ 8:00 we drive 2.6 miles back to the west for a bonfire at 7601 E SR 35. The bonfire is...
Memorial Day BBQ, Games & DANCE Hosted by UCSA
Memorial Day Annual BBQ, Games & Dance ~ Utah County Single Adults (UCSA) has invited us once again to join this annual event. For those who went last year, it was so much fun and we had a beautiful drive carpooling together. It is held in Parley's Canyon at the...
Utah County SINGLES’ CONFERENCE hosted by UCSA
The UCSA (Utah County Single Adults) committee has invited us to attend their conference next month, June 20-25th. For all details, go to their website at: No-Registration is required to attend the conference!Attending the conference is free except for meals and dances/lounges on Friday and Saturday.In an effort to maximize...
(meet at 4:45pm to carpool - look for the helium balloon on white small SUV parked in shopping center parking lot BEHIND Culver's Restaurant ) Event starts at 6pm NO single driven cars will be allowed to park in the parking lot due to limited space
Grab your boots and come to Heber Valley for our Chili, Cornbread & Cobbler COOK OFF plus Apple Cider, Hayrides, Dance Instruction and a Dance. Enjoy our beautiful mountain evening air and great company. This is for Single Adults 31+, so spread the word and be sure to RSVP and...
Labor Day Dinner / Dance with Live Band / Firepit Sing-a-long
Join the Mt. Timpanogas Singles for their bi-annual dinner/dance/firepit party at Mutual Dell Campground area. Please read the attached flyer for more details. We will be CARPOOLING from the large parking lot behind Culvers' Restaurant in Heber City. Meet at 4:30 as carpool will leave at 4:45pm in order to...
What a great opportunity to hear Charley Jenkins' band for FREE. Join other single adults on Thursday, August 4th at 9:30pm in Heber City, UT. Plan to hear a great concert, be entertained by a wonderful band, and join the fun line dancing with Charley Jenkins himself. Spread the word...