Utah County SINGLES' CONFERENCE hosted by UCSA
, UT
What it is:
The UCSA (Utah County Single Adults) committee has invited us to attend their conference next month, June 20-25th. For all details, go to their website at: https://utahsingleadults.org/conferences.html
No-Registration is required to attend the conference!
Attending the conference is free except for meals and dances/lounges on Friday and Saturday.
In an effort to maximize attendance, we are supplementing the cost of meals and dances/lounge. Friday and Saturday meals and dances/lounge are $5 each, or $30 if you purchase all meals and dances/lounge. You can pay at the door, but there will be a LIMITED number of extra meals for last minute purchase. Please prepay for meals between Tue. and Thurs. You are always welcome to bring your own food if you wish.
Nice casual dress for all aFiresides, workshops and dances. Sunday dress for the Sunday Fireside.
Church standards and conduct expected. DIVORCES MUST BE FINAL!
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