This is meet and mingle for the Wasatch Back single Adults only to bond and get to know each other. We thank you for understanding. March 22nd 6-8 pm shoes and bowling provided all we need is you!
Charley Jenkins FREE outdoor Concert at 8:30pm (TIME CHANGE due to rodeo cancellation)
****LAST MINUTE ANNOUNCEMENT ~ the rodeo is cancelled for tonight, so the CONCERT STARTS AT 8:30PM instead of the original scheduled time of 10pm.......SPREAD THE WORD!) Come listen to some great music or dance along with other single adults at this annual event. It is being held at the Wasatch...
MID-SINGLE BBQ (for ages 31 to 50)
Join this fun BBQ for all Mid-Singles ages 31 to 50. Hamburgers and Hotdogs and fixings will be provided; however, please contribute to the dinner as follows: Gents bring sides and drinks (Sodas, Chips, Appetizers, etc.); Ladies bring salads and desserts. There will be outdoor activities also like volleyball and...
Outdoor Play ~ “The Music Man”
Join other single adults for a wonderful evening under the stars. The Music Man is marching to Midway, Utah to entertain us with this outdoor play. 7:00pm ~ Come early to mingle and visit. Bring your own picnic supper if you'd like while we visit enjoying live music and clear...
Memorial Day BBQ, Games & DANCE Hosted by UCSA
Memorial Day Annual BBQ, Games & Dance ~ Utah County Single Adults (UCSA) has invited us once again to join this annual event. For those who went last year, it was so much fun and we had a beautiful drive carpooling together. It is held in Parley's Canyon at the...
Join us for our monthly GAME NIGHT and PICKLEBALL event held EVERY 2nd Friday. Bring your favorite game to teach us if you'd like. Potluck Snacks. See attached flyer for more details.
Utah County SINGLES’ CONFERENCE hosted by UCSA
The UCSA (Utah County Single Adults) committee has invited us to attend their conference next month, June 20-25th. For all details, go to their website at: No-Registration is required to attend the conference!Attending the conference is free except for meals and dances/lounges on Friday and Saturday.In an effort to maximize...
This singles' conference is sponsored by the Utah County Single Adults (UCSA), but all single adults are invited to attend. Please see flyer for more details. If you are interested in carpooling to this conference, please sign up at the game night (Friday, 1/13) or Peter Vidmar fireside (1/15) OR...
Miracle on 34th Street, the Musical
Come join other single adults to watch "Miracle on 34th Street, the Musical" at the Midway Town Hall. There are limited Group price tickets of only $10 ~ Must RSVP due to reserve your space. Call or text 702.561.9334 to reserve your ticket(s) for the night of Tuesday, December 9th....
(meet at 4:45pm to carpool - look for the helium balloon on white small SUV parked in shopping center parking lot BEHIND Culver's Restaurant ) Event starts at 6pm NO single driven cars will be allowed to park in the parking lot due to limited space