FIRESIDE ~ “How Does This Fit into God’s Plan? Perspectives from Ukraine, Past and Present."
Heber City , UT 84032
What it is:
Brother Paul Sullivan was the mission President of the Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk Mission. He and his wife, Karen, also served as senior missionaries in the Asia Area Office. Brother Sullivan is a former stake president, stake Young Men president, high councilor, bishopric counselor, branch president, and missionary in the Hong Kong Mission. Sister Sullivan is a former stake Young Women president; ward Relief Society, Young Women, Primary president; and seminary teacher. Having served as mission leaders in Eastern Ukraine from 2015-18, Paul and Karen Sullivan are saddened by the horrors of war in this area. They were called during the year that Crimea was annexed by Russia and fighting began in the east of Ukraine. A wave of refugees flooded the area for which they were responsible, good people going through horrible trials. Lessons from the history of those lands, from the time of the scattering of the tribes of Israel to the present, reveals that the hand of God is often active, even though us mortals usually lack recognition. You will love this a fantastic fireside filled with perspectives from Ukraine: Past and Present.
Plan on staying after the fireside for some great refreshments and nice mingling. We look forward to seeing you there!
Hosted by the KAMAS STAKE as part of the WBSA Fireside Series