Labor Day Dinner / Dance with Live Band / Firepit Sing-a-long
Sep 5, 2022
6:00 pm
to 9:45 pm
Mutual Dell in American Fork Canyon
, UT
What it is:
Join the Mt. Timpanogas Singles for their bi-annual dinner/dance/firepit party at Mutual Dell Campground area. Please read the attached flyer for more details. We will be CARPOOLING from the large parking lot behind Culvers’ Restaurant in Heber City. Meet at 4:30 as carpool will leave at 4:45pm in order to get there early enough to finding parking nearby. This is located in American Fork Canyon. Call Marcyne at 435.565.7900 with any questions or to reserve spot for carpooling. Let us know if you are willing to drive also. It would be nice if everyone donated a little for gas to the drivers.