Conference Talks Discussion Group (46+) ~ Followed by a Christmas Party
Dec 14, 2023
6:00 pm
to 7:00 pm
Midway West Stake Center
165 N. Center Street
Midway , UT 84049
Midway , UT 84049
What it is:
This is a weekly event for single adults 46+ and is held in the Midway West Stake Center at 165 N. Center Street, Midway, UT 84049 from 6pm to 7pm. We invite all single adults 46+ to join us each Thursday for a wonderful conference talk discussion.
**** THIS WEEK’S DISCUSSION WILL BE FOLLOWED BY A “CHRISTMAS PARTY”, so plan on staying afterwards if you can! ****
Watch your weekly emails or check on this website for updates and title of the talk chosen for that week. We look forward to seeing you there.